Full Moon's are known for raising the energy in our children and knowing just what flavor of energy you are getting will help you parent right through and maybe even get a laugh or two!
Every Full Moon "shines light on" a specific part of life and can help to illuminate new ideas and answers to things we are trying to achieve. A full moon is also a time to celebrate and
enjoy the hard work that you have done so far and this is what supercharges a child at times. Every parent has seen a child at some point and said, must be the full moon😅!
So, let's have some fun with this and be on the lookout for new skills and celebrations and join into our child's extra energy! This March's Full Moon is Tuesday March 7th and it is a Virgo Worm moon. The energy of the full moon can be felt in the days leading up to the full moon and a couple days after.
The flavor of this Full moon in Virgo 3/7/2023 will bring a bright light on a slow and steady growth of a new learned skill they have been working on. Maybe it has been a self help skill like putting on a coat or zipping their zipper. It could be seen in a creative way such a learning how to use a new art medium or finally getting their lego house to stick together! This full moon will add energy to remove blockages, look at things from a new perceptive and finally SEE the answer they need to achieve this goal!
This will bring a large amount of "do it myself" energy- but words can also be short and get twisted during this growth period due to Saturn and Mars's influence in the sky. Which means that your child may get very excited to do something and be hasty in telling you to leave them alone while they do it! 🙃
The best way to get through this full Virgo moon with your child, seize the opportunity if it happens! When you see them getting short tempered and emotional on something, step aside and watch the magic unfold! Let them know that you are excited to see what they come up with and provide the space for them to take as much time as needed to complete the skill.
In the moment saying something like, "I can see you are very passionate about this so I am going to give you space to figure this out." At the end not only will you have the opportunity to celebrate the victory with your child, you can provide the space needed for them to find internal validation- being proud of THEMSELVES!
Bonus parenting take away tip- if your child does use some poor communication skills while they are expressing themselves, later when all celebrations are over you get to have a bonus lesson. Having the conversation on boundaries when communicating to a loved one, even mom and dad, is important. However the- no matter what, I will love you and we can always come back to communication after the emotions have settled is a huge step in building a life long open communication and love between you.
The big take away for the child, I am loved even when I have had a bad day and it is safe for me to have a bad day and then safe to "own my bad behavior". Controlling emotions is a learned skill- so feeling safe in expressing them and then later being able to talk without ever fearing that love will stop is a huge lesson for a child and it takes a long time to build so there are some parents that say these moments are even more important then the skill building ones.❤️
Happy Full Virgo Moon! 🌝